
Monday, 30 September 2013

Business Objects :- CMC Admin Interview Questions

Below are the list of questions on Business Objects Administration (CMC) :-
These CMC interview questions related to Business Objects version 4.1 as well.
  1. What are the different access levels are there in CMC?
  2. Describe about the architecture about the BO system you worked on?
  3. There are 150 users,How would add those user to system.What are the different methods you can add those users to system?
  4. What are the steps of Migration? How would you transfer BO files from one server to another server?
  5. What are the steps of Backup process?
  6. What is import wizard and its purpose ?
  7. What is publishing wizard and its purpose ?
  8. What is the purpose of CMC,CCM & CMS? identify the difference between these three.
  9. What are the Different authentication modes are there in Business Objects?
  10. What are the steps to Implement Single Sign on in Business objects?
  11. What is report tracing in BO?
  12. Where can i find the SDK files in BO installation Folder?
  13. Suppose user Andy having access to Alabama Marketing folder which is under USA Marketing folder.If Alabama Marketing Folder is moved under  Global Marketing Folder. How Andy right will be affected? Is Andy's rights will be persistent or Alabama folder will  inherit  new rights from its parent folder?
  14. Suppose user Andy having access to Alabama Marketing folder which is under USA Marketing folder.If Alabama Marketing Folder is Cut paste under  Global Marketing Folder. How Andy right will be affected? Is Andy's rights will be persistent or Alabama folder will  inherit  new rights from its parent folder?
  15. Which post installation tool would you use to deploy and optimize the processing tiers?
    Ans:- System Configuration Wizard
  16. Which BI client enables you to connect directly to SAP HANA OLAP views without requiring an authored universe?
    SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise
  17. Which of the BI clients are supported, but are not included in the BI 4 client standard installation package?
    Ans:- SAP Lumira, SAP Business Objects Olap For Analysis for Microsoft Edition,SAP Design Studio
  18. When parallel patching the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform, what is the best practice?
    Ans:-Updated CMS first then all other server.
  19. While performing an upgrade of the BI platform the installation fails.What are the next steps to resolve this issue?
    Ans:-Restore the machine backup and retry the upgrade process.
  20. What directly impacts the end sizing numbers?
    Ans:-Concurrently active users
  21. What is SAPS?
    Ans:-System, Application, Product and Sizing
  22. Which BI clients requires separate sizing since it is not included in BI 4 Sizing Estimator?
    Ans:-Business Objects Explorer

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Xcelsius Dashboard Development Phases/LifeCycle

These are the 9 below steps are can be taken into consideration while developing Xcelsius Dashboard :-

  1. Plan
    Project Kick-off Meetings
    Define KPIs
    Define TimeLine Budget
    Define scope, objectives , setup boundaries
  2. Gather Requirements
    Meeting with Stakeholder and Business Users
    Find the overall need of dashboard
    Functional understanding

    Define dataset
    Create storyboard
  3. Design Dashboard

    Design component and layout
    Define KPIs in charts
    Confirm datasource
    Build Dataset
    Build Queries
    Define Drill-Path
  4. Build And Validate

    Third Party integration
    Security setup
  5. Create Dashboard Prototype
  6. Present to Stakeholders
  7. Gather feedback/inputs on dashboard.
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 till dashboard meets the business requirement.
  9. Deployment

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Universe Designer Refresh Structure

(for Version Business Object XI to 3.X)

Ever Wonder why Universe refresh structure take a long to get refreshed
Here is the key –
In Universe Designer 
Go to tool>Options select Graphic Tab
 Look for "Underlined Keys" options unchecked it.

Universe Refresh Structure

 Now try Refreshing the Universe.
 The Universe will get refreshed in no time.

Refresh the whole Universe or just the table-

If you are aware that there is a change only in one of the table at database level. You might want to refresh just the table not the whole universe.
For that just
1) Right Click the table and
2) Click refresh structure.

Business Objects : Dimension versus Detail Objects

A detail object is something that tells you more about a dimension.

A detail to be an attribute of a dimension, and you make a detail object when there is a one to one relationship with a dimension. For example, I may have a dimension called "Customer" and related details such as "Phone Number", "SS Number", etc.

  • The main thing with details is that you can't use them in hierarchies. 
  • You also can't Merge (link) data providers based on them. 
  • And, you canot use them in drilling only dimensions can be used for drilling.
so,those objects which  you are sure would not be probably not be using like "Phone Number" or "SS Number" for this purpose. So you would make them detail objects. 

details can make a universe look cleaner to the end users, so you use them, but sparingly.
They make the universe look less cluttered, since they are hidden until the user unfolds the dimension.

lets take it as an example - You have two data provider one having Dimenstion objects - CutomerID ,ProductPurchased,ProdType other Dataprovider have dimension Objects like CustomerID,CutomerName,CustomerAddress.

so you generate WEbi Report and will do linking(Merge Dimension) based on CustomerID,
In veritacle table report you include objects from first dataprovider CustomerID,ProductPurchased,ProdType and then you try to pullin Dimension Objects from the second dataprovider CutomerName,CustomerAddress than their it shows throws an error saying "INCOMPATIBLE OBJECTS".

so inorder to pull those objects CutomerName,CustomerAddress in you convert them in to detail object giving reference of Merged Dimension Object CustomerID. and then you can place them in table.

so this is where detail objects can be helpful. if you had in my universe CutomerName,CustomerAddress
as detail objects . you can directly pull them in table or block to show results.

Business Objects : Alias vs Context

Context- is the sets of join path for one table to another table
Alias-  Alias breaks the loop by using same table with different name in the query.

Contexts have a purpose. Aliases have a purpose. In every case , which one you select is based on the problem you are trying to solve, not really what you think will be the best maintenance option. If you need a context, then you need a context. 

But  there are two key rules of thumb: 

A context for each fact table .
An alias for each different use of a reference table - e.g. multiple uses of calendar_ref for invoice dates, sales dates, delivery dates, etc.

Another factor that can be consider could be Based on usability -
if the universe is very large and complex then always try to use contexts. It will reduce the pain of adding redundant aliases. If universe is a small relatively simple in terms of tables present, joins and other properties of the universe then you can think of aliases.

The only real alternative to creating contexts is to create more than one universe. That's essentially what a context is, really, by identifying a set of joins that work together you are essentially subdividing a single universe into smaller sub-universes of tables that work together. You could separate them into different universes. 

Aliases are not substitutes for contexts, and vice versa. Once you have identified the problem, the solution choice is made for you.
So based on the thumb rule here are the best way of designing a universe is inserting one fact table at a time. 

1. Insert one fact table and related dimension tables to that fact table. 
2. Create all the joins. 
3. Check for loops. 
4. See if it can be resolved with an alias. 
5. Create context. Make sure a context doesn't have any loops 
6. Each join must present in atleast one context. 

Universe Designer Interview question Part 1

Question : What is a Universe and what is consist of ?

Answer : 
A universe is a file that contains the following:
• Connection parameters for one or more database middleware.
• SQL structures called objects that map to actual SQL structures in the database such as
columns, tables, and database functions. Objects are grouped into classes. Objects and
classes are both visible to BusinessObjects and WebIntelligence users.
• A schema of the tables and joins used in the database. Objects are built from the
database structures that you include in your schema. The schema is only available to
Designer users. It is not visible to BusinessObjects and WebIntelligence users.
BusinessObjects and WebIntelligence users connect to a universe, and run queries against
a database. They can do data analysis and create reports using the objects in a universe,
without seeing, or having to know anything about, the underlying data structures in the

Question : what is class and objects ?
Answer : 
Classes :A class is a logical grouping of objects within a universe. It represents a category of
objects. The name of a class should indicate the category of the objects that it Contains. A
class can be divided hierarchically into subclasses.
Objects :
An object is a named component that maps to data or a derivation of data in the database.
The name of an object should be drawn from the business vocabulary of the targeted user
group. For example, objects used in a universe used by a product manager could be
Product, Life Cycle, or Release Date. A universe used by a financial analyst could
contain objects such as Profit Margin, and Return on Investment.

Question : Describe Universe design Methodology or Explain different phases of universe?
Answer: The universe design methodology described here consists of one planning
   stage, and three implementation phases:
• Analysis of business problem and planning the universe solution
• Designing a schema
• Building the universe
• Distributing the universe to users
Each implementation phase is based on an assumption

Development phase Description
Prepare :Identify the target data source and become familiar with its structure.
Know what data is contained within each table of each of the target
Understand the joins.
Identify the cardinality.
Know what is possible.
Analyze :Identify the user population and how it is structured; for example is the
user group structured by department or by task.
Identify what information the users need.
Identify what standard reports they require.
Familiarize yourself with their business terminology so that you can name
objects sensibly.
Plan: Identify a project strategy. For example, how many universes should be
created and which ones should have the capacity to be linked and to what
Implement: Build the universe using Designer. This manual covers this part of the
universe development cycle, the actual use of the design tool.
Test frequently during the build process for validity and reliability of
inferred SQL.
Test :Form a small group of users, preferably BusinessObjects or
WebIntelligence power users who have some knowledge of what
information they expect to get from the universe. Ask the users to perform
thorough tests simulating live usage of the universe(s).
Deploy: Distribute the universe by exporting universe to the repository, where it
can be accessed by end users.
Evolve Update and maintain the universe as the data sources and user
requirements change and grow.
Evolve : Update and maintain the universe as the data sources and user
requirements change and grow.

Question : Describe the environment in which business objects can be used?
Answer: Designer can be used in two types of Business Objects environments
Designer is used with a Business Objects repository. Universes are saved in the Universe
domain of the repository. Universe access, version control, and security are controlled by
Business Objects Supervisor. A universe is imported from and exported to the repository
by the universe designer. This is the most common environment in which Designer is
Designer is used alone with no repository connection. Access to universes, version
control, and security are controlled by the universe designer.

Question : What are the different type of connections are available in universe ?
Answer:   there are three types of connection as available in universe- 

Personal connections
Restricts access to data to the universe creator and the computer on which it was created.
Connection parameters are stored in the PDAC.LSI file located in the LSI folder in the
Business Objects folder under your user profile in Documents
Personal connections are unsecured in terms of Business Objects products security. You
do not use personal connections to distribute universes. You could use personal
connections in the following situations:
• To access personal data on a local machine
• To access specific database accounts to test an SQL sample through the Free-hand SQL
option in BusinessObjects.

Shared connections
Allows access to data for all BusinessObjects and WebIntelligence users. These
connections are unsecured in terms of Business Objects products security. 
Shared connections can be useful in a universe testing environment.

Secured connections
• Centralizes and controls access to data. It is the safest type of connection, and should
used be to protect access to sensitive data.
• You can create secured connections with Designer or Supervisor.
• Connections are stored in the security domain of the repository. These can be shared
with designers and supervisors with the appropriate privileges.
• You must use secured connections if you want to distribute universes through the
Business Objects repository.
• Secured connections can be used and updated at any time. To define a secured
connection you must be using Business Objects products in Enterprise mode. You must
be connected to a repository and using the Business Objects repository key file. The
default name for this file is BOMain, but it can be modified at any time in Supervisor.

Question : Explain what is Theta Join,Shortcut joins,Full outer joins,Outer joins?
Answer : 
Theta joins
A theta join is a join that links tables based on a relationship other than equality between
two columns. A theta join could use any operator other than the "equal" operator. The
following example and procedure show you how to create a theta join that uses the
"Between" operator.

Outer joins
An outer join is a join that links two tables, one of which has rows that do not match
those in the common column of the other table. You define an outer join by specifying
which table is the outer table in the original equi-join. The outer table contains the
column for which you want to return all values, even if they are unmatched. You specify
the outer table from the Edit Join dialog box for the selected join.

Full outer joins
By default you can create either a left outer, or a right outer join depending on which side
of the join the outer table is designated. You can also create a full outer join by activating
ANSI 92 support for joins in the universe. This is achieved by setting a universe SQL
parameter ANSI 92 to YES (File>Parameters>Parameter). This allows the universe to
support ANSI 92 syntax for joins, and you can select the tables on either side of a join to
be outer tables. Refer to the section defining a full outer join on page 169 for information
on creating full outer joins.

Shortcut joins
A shortcut join is a join that provides an alternative path between two tables. shortcut
joins improve the performance of a query by not taking into account intermediate tables,
and so shortening a normally longer join path. A common use of shortcut joins is to link a
shared lookup table to another table further along a join path. The join path comprises
several different tables in the same context. In such a case, the shortcut join is only
effective when the value being looked up has been denormalized to lower levels in a
hierarchy of tables, so the same value exists at all the levels being joined.

Question : What is aliases and what is its use?
Alias Another possible use of aliases is to create an alias for each table as it is inserted into the
schema. You then build the schema using the alias tables, not the original base tables.
You place the base tables together away from the main universe structure. This allows
you to give meaningful names to tables, and prevents the need to rebuild major sections
of a universe structure should a base table need to be aliased at a later stage.
Using aliases to solve loops

The most common use of aliases in universe development is to solve potential loops in
the use of common tables. A loop is a set of joins that defines a closed path through a set
of tables in a schema. Loops occur when joins form multiple paths between lookup tables
You use an alias to break a loop by providing alternative table for an original lookup
table that is being used for multiple query paths.
Using aliases to solve fan traps

Aliases are also used to solve potential fan traps. These can occur in a serial oneto- many
join path that can return inflated results when aggregates are summed at the "many" end
of the joins. This use of aliases is discussed in the section

Question : Explain how keys can help in setting Index Awareness ?
The Keys tab allows you to define index awareness for an object. Index awareness is the
ability to take advantage of the indexes on key columns to speed data retrieval. The
objects that you create in Designer are based on database columns that are meaningful to
an end user. For example, a Customer object retrieves the field that contains the customer
name. In this situation the customer table typically has a primary key (for example an
integer) that is not meaningful to the end user, but which is very important for database
performance. When you set up index awareness in Designer you tell Designer which
database columns are primary and foreign keys. This can have a dramatic effect on query
performance in the
following ways:
• Designer can take advantage of the indexes on key columns to speed data
• Designer can generate SQL that filters in the most efficient way. This is particularly
important in a star schema database. If you build a query that involves filtering on a value
in a dimension table, Designer can apply the filter directly on the fact table by using the
dimension table foreign key. This eliminates unnecessary and costly joins to dimension
tables. Designer does not ignore duplicates with index awareness. If two customers have
the same name, Designer will retrieve one

Web Intelligence Interview Question Part 1

What is Web Intelligence?

With Web Intelligence, we can access the data in the corporate databases or data
warehouses from within the office, home or around the world using corporate intranet,
extranet or World Wide web.
No Webi software needed to be loaded on your computer.
You can save these documents on your local drive or send them to other users or publish
them to the corporate repository for potentially even broader circulation

What is WEBINTELLIGENCE System's Architecture?
1. The client: The Web browser, which provides the gateway to the Webi system.
2. The middle tier: Comprises the HTTP server and Webi system components, linked
together by CORBA calls in a distributed CORBA environment.
3. The Server: Comprises the repository and corporate database. This is where much of
the data is stored, and where system security is controlled.

Middle Tier:

HTTP Server: Web Intelligence’s HTTP server interface is the user's main gateway to
the WEBINTELLIGENCE system. It is the main channel for receiving and servicing
client requests. The HTP server includes the HTTP Server Abstraction Layer (HSAL).
The HSAL receives user requests for WEBINTELLIGENCE services and converts them
from the gateway protocol and from that WEBINTELLIGENCE understands.

WIDispatcher: is the system's URL router. Whenever the WIDispatcher receives a
translated request from the HSAL, it decides which process the request should be sent to,
then convert the textual URLs into CORBA requests that can start the required

WISession Manager: performs user validation, and tracks all activity from the time
users log in until they logout. It also keeps track of all the enabled WIGenerators in the
cluster. At login time, it can assess which WIGenerator has the lightest transaction load,
and assigns the new user's WIQT process to it.

WIGenerator: The WIGenerator module is used to generate the framework for the
HTML pages (such as document lists and user start pages), excluding the actual
document content. The documents themselves are generated by the
WEBINTELLIGENCE Query Technique (WIQT) processes. The WIQT processes can
be distributed within a cluster (load balancing).

BOManager : This component launches and manages a “pool” of BUSINESSOBJECTS
processes via OLE Automation under Windows (local calls only), and CORBA under
UNIX. It also manages multitasking and maintains user context.

WIStorage-Manager: manages the WEBINTELLIGENCE system’s cache and
document storage areas.

Scheduler: The BROADCAST AGENT Scheduler periodically polls the repository to
detect tasks to run. It then communicates with BOManager (for BUSINESSOBJECTS
documents) or WIGenerator (for WEBINTELLIGENCE documents) to process the tasks.

WIADE Server: provides the server interface for the zero administration deployment of
BO. This component launches and manages a “pool” of BUSINESSOBJECTS
processes via OLE Automation under Windows (local calls only), and CORBA under
UNIX. It also manages multitasking and maintains user context.

WIStorage-Manager: manages the WEBINTELLIGENCE system’s cache and
document storage areas.
Scheduler: The BROADCAST AGENT Scheduler periodically polls the repository to
detect tasks to run. It then communicates with BOManager (for BUSINESSOBJECTS
documents) or WIGenerator (for WEBINTELLIGENCE documents) to process the tasks.
WIADE Server: provides the server interface for the zero administration deployment of

What Products use the WebIntelligence System?
· Zero Admin Business Objects (ZABO)

What is the difference between INFOVIEW and WEBINTELLIGENCE?
Infoview gives an instant overview of all the documents available to you in the corporate
database and allows you to view, refresh, manage and distribute documents, but not
create or modify them. To do that you need Web Intelligence or BO Reporter Modules or
BO installed through Web Browser.
Webi user may have any or all of the functionalities available. Create New Webi
documents and edit existing ones. Drill to more detailed levels of data in drillable Webi

What is the difference between Query Condition and Document filter?
Condition: is applied to the query and limits the data retrieved from the database.
Filter: is applied to the data in the document to hide information and display only the
information that you want to appear.

What can you do withWEBINTELLIGNE SDK?
· We can customize (or even replace) the WEBINTELLIGENCE use interface.
· Call the Web Panel
· Publish Documents
· Access various file types
· Build a custom web-based report catalog
· Automate WEBINTELLIGENCE login

Saturday, 21 September 2013

How to Rename and Move Universe

Rename the Universe and/or change Universe folder without affecting the underlying reports.

Many times during development cycles you may be asked to rename a Universe to meet with client standards or during migration to Production you may have to change the Universe folder.
The most important thing at that time is to ensure that the reports build on the universe don’t break.

I am providing an example of both these scenarios and how they can be handled together. If you just need to rename or just change folder skip the appropriate steps and the solution remains valid. 
Here are the steps listed on the best approach to do this without affecting the reports and involving minimal work –
Note that these were tried on BO XI 3.1 but I assume that it would work on XI R2 as well.

Below are the steps to follow :-

1. Import the Universe using Designer from the existing folder. 

2. Rename the Universe name from Parameters (DO NOT rename the Universe file name). If you change the Universe file name by selecting Save As, it will automatically create a new copy of the universe.
Note - If you don’t wish to rename but simply change the Universe folder, you can obviously skip this step.

 3. Now export the Universe to the new folder. You will get the below message –

You need to select “Move” in this case. If you select Copy it will create another copy of the Universe in the new folder and your reports will still point to Universe in old folder.

4. If you also renamed the universe as in Step 2, you will get another dialog box as below –

Here you need to select “Update”. If you select Copy it will create another copy of the Universe in the new folder and your reports will still point to the old Universe.

Additional Note – The underlying reports will work fine after this change and will point to new universe. However, if you open the report it will show the old universe name. Making any changes to the report in WebI or Rich Client will refresh the Universe Name in the report too.

Webi : Showing two values in one cell , but in new line

In Web Intelligence to show values from two different object on to a single column you can use char(10) . ascii value of Char(10) is a new line character.

Example :-  there are two column Prodcut_Id(P0001) and Product_Name(CAR) to be merge into one.
you can create formula : MergedColumn =Prodcut_Id+Char(10)+Product_Name 
that will display result something like this in a single table cell-


WebI Dynamic Measure Selection

As we know, Web Intelligence is a very flexible reporting tool with advanced analytic functionalities. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to implement a dynamic measures selection solution with Webi. Before we start, let me explain what “dynamic measures selection” is: for example, we have measures including sales quantity, sales revenue, discount amount, target sales revenue, etc. Users want to select which measures to be displayed on the report dynamically. The business background of this requirement is that for each measure, there’re actually multiple measures like this year value, last year value, variance, growth rate, etc. So displaying all measures at once may result in a too large report. So users want to just focus on some of the measures they are interested in.

Given the powerful interactive viewer of Webi, users can drag in measures they need and format the report layout, of course. But what we need is an “interactive report” solution targeted at casual users with little IT skills, rather than power user/data analyst. So we need to create a formatted report with only very simple interactive interfaces: click the check box to select measures you want. Below is the sample report, users select measures on the left panel and measures get displayed/hidden on the right side report area:

I use following techniques to accomplish this solution:
1. Webi cross table. 
2. Webi Input Control (this is available since XI 3.1 SP2).
3. Universe derived table.

Follow below steps to create above sample report:-

1.      Build simple Universe based on eFasion connection. Add a derived table named “measure_names” with below SQL statement:

select distinct 'Sales Revenue' as mname from outlet_lookup
select distinct 'Sales Quantity' from outlet_lookup
select distinct 'Margin' from outlet_lookup

2.      Create a dimension object based on the only field of above derived table. The Universe structure is shown in below figure:

3 .Create a Webi query based on this Universe, with objects: State, Measure Name, Margin, Sales Revenue and Sales Quantity. Note that in the Universe, the derived table is not joined with any other table, a Cartesian product will be resulted by this query, and this is what we want.

4.      After the query run, we get the default report as below: -

5.      Create a report variable named “Measure Value” with below definition:
=If([Measure Name]="Margin") Then [Margin] ElseIf([Measure Name]="Sales Quantity") Then [Sales Quantity] Else [Sales Revenue]

6.      Create a Cross Table, put State object on the row, Measure Name object on the column, and Measure Value variable on cell.

7.      Create an Input Control based on the Measure Name object. Choose check boxes as the control type.

WebI Bars embedded into table rows

This article here described a tricks to create some  visual representations for WebI displays that effectively extend WebI's visualization options and simultaneously provide end-user interactivity. The Idea here is to horizontal bars to vertical table.

Yes, this is an actual WebI table with bars in the cells that proportionally display the sales revenue values for each row. through bars, you can quickly assess both ranking and variation among the sales revenue values. also at the same time, you can display other details in the same rows as the bars. In the table above, I’ve got a calculation to determine the % change in Sales Revenue quarter on quarter. You can also see in the same row the Quantity sold. Charts are great at displaying messages around a theme, such as ranking and distribution. Tables can display lots of details. Bar charts in tables give the benefits of both. 

This really was simple. It took 4 easy-to-define variables and its 4 steps process as mentioned below
Note :- That the variables below can be combined into a big formula, but it's just easier to manage and conceptualize is that you break it down into components.

  1. You'll need to define the generic filler that is used to draw the "bars". Create a variable named "Chart filler". Qualify it as a Detail in the variable editor, and in the formula text add 100 characters between quotes. You can choose the filler you want to use -- whether "]" or "|" or another symbol. (I know you know this but to populate 100 characters please don't hit the return key 100 times, type 10 characters, then copy-paste 9 times   ="]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]"
  2. Then create a variable that calculates the maximum value in the table. This will be used to define the maximum length for a bar in the column, against which the other values will be proportionally displayed. Qualify it as a measure and call it "Max Sales rev from block" and use the following formula: =(Max([Sales revenue]) In Block)
  3. Now calculate the size of the bar for a given value based on the relative proportion to the maximum value in the table. Name the variable "Sales Revenue Bars: Calc Size of Bar" and qualify as a measure.
    =Round((([Sales revenue]/[Max Sales rev from block])*100);0)
    This is simply sizing a row's value in proportion to the maximum value in the row. For example, if the maximum value is 100, and the actual value being evaluated is 75, this formula will output “75”.
  4. Finally, define the variable you'll use in the actual table to draw the bars. The Substr function simply removes the characters in the [Chart filler] string you defined to show the proportional size of the bar. Call this variable “Sales Revenue Bars” and qualify as a measure.
    =Substr([Chart filler];1;[Sales Revenue Bars: Calc Size of Bar])Drop the "Sales Revenue Bars" measure into a table. It's now super easy to scan down a column to identify not only the largest values, but also the variability among the values. 

Business Objects Certification

Business Objects Enterprise/Edge Certification

this article will tell you about how many  business objects certification questions comes in each paper
what is the course content how much certification paper will take to solve. and what is  the passing score.

There are three exams are required to earn the Business Objects Enterprise/Edge specialization.

SABE201, SABE301 and SABE401

Clearing all three exams will award you the Business Objects certification of Business Objects Enterprise - BOCP-BOE

Exams contain multiple choice answer type of questions.

Course Content : Business Objects Enterprise XIR2 Administering Users & Content. 
Questions :This exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions, 
Time to solve :to be answered in 80 minutes. 
Passing Score : The pass mark is 65%.

Course Content : Administering Servers. 
Questions :This exam contains 50 questions
Time to solve :to be answered in 100 minutes. 
Passing Score : The pass mark is 67%.

Course Content : Administering Servers. 
Questions :This exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions, 
Time to solve :to be answered in 80 minutes. 
Passing Score : The pass mark is 66%.

update to these exams is also available -
SABE501 - XI 3.0 Update. 
Questions :This exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions, 
Time to solve :to be answered in 80 minutes. 
Passing Score :The pass mark is 65%.

those candidates who have already earned their BOCP-BOE can give this exams.

Business Objects Data Integrator

there are two exams required to gain the Business Objects Data Integrator specialisation

DMDI201 and DMDI301. 

Clearing both exams will award you the Business Objects certification of Business Objects Data Integrator - BOCP-BODI.

DMDI201 - BusinessObjects DataIntegrator XI – Level One
Questions: 46 questions. 
Time to solve: 92 minutes. 
Passing Score: The pass mark is 75%.

DMDI301 - BusinessObjects DataIntegrator XI – Level Two. 
Questions:42 questions.
Time to Solve: 84 Minutes.
Passing Score:The pass mark is 55%. 

Business Objects Crytal Reports XI

Two exams are required to gain the Business Objects Crystal Reports XI specialisation. 
RDCR201 and RDCR301.
 Passing both exams will award you the Business Objects certification in Business Objects Crystal Reports XI - BOCP-CR.

RDCR201 - Crystal Reports XI – Level One.
Questions : 45 questions
Time to solve : to be answered in 90 minutes
Passing Score : pass mark of 65%

RDCR301 - Crystal Reports XI – Level Two. 
Questions : 40 questions
Time to solve : 80 minutes
Passing Score : pass mark of 70%

since Crystal Report 2008 is launched so there is an update to this exam.
The exam is the RDCR08401.
This exam can only be taken by candidates who have passed the levels 1(RDCR201) and Level2(RDCR301) exams and attained the BOCP – CR XI certification.

Crystal Reports 2008

Two exams are required to gain the Business Objects Crystal Reports 2008 specialisation.
RDCR08201 and RDCR08301.
Passing both exams will award you the certification in Business Objects Crystal Reports 2008 - BOCP-CR 2008.

RDCR08201 - Crystal Reports 2008 – Level One.
Questions : 62 questions
Time to solve : 124 minutes
Passing Score : pass mark of 65%

RDCR08301 - Crystal Reports 2008 – Level Two.
     Questions : 48 questions
     Time to solve : 96 minutes
     Passing Score : pass mark of 70%

Web Intelligence

Two exams are required to gain the Business Objects Web Intelligence specialisation. 
QAWI201V3.0 and QAWI301V3.0.
Passing both exams will award you the certification in Business Objects Web Intelligence.

QAWI201V3.0: Business Objects Certified Professional Web Intelligence XI 3.0 Level One.
QAWI301V3.0: Business Objects Certified Professional Business Objects Web Intelligence XI 3.0 Level Two.

More information about the certification can be obtained at below link